Live meditation concert Purification by Aura Ra 2021 (Aura Ra meditative performance)

mantra 05:00 / 14:14 2. Ganesha mantra 14:15 / 26:00 3. Mrityunjaya mantra 27:27 / 36:36 4. Sabbe Satta metta 37:17 / 49:00 Aura Ra broadcasts loving kindness. Their meditative performance is transformative beauty of light and sound, an awareness of inner peace and power. Aura Ra is a family duo created by Grigory Mashtalir and Nadezhda Tverdaya. The project originated in Thailand where the couple had been studying spiritual practices from monks for many years. After a deep transformation and a new awareness of life and creativity, the meditative performance Aura Ra was created. It combines the chanting of ancient mantras in Sanskrit with guitar accompaniment and healing vibrations of the gong. The sound goes hand in hand with a visual presentation of generative art. The atmosphere of the performance conveys a state of deep relaxation and slowing down, helps to get away from thoughts, anxieties and plunge into oneself. The concert opens with the Gayatri Mantra — the
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