​ La Jungle - Live at @arteconcert Festival 2019

La Jungle - Arte Concert Festival at La Gaîté Lyrique in Paris - 2019 La Jungle Guitar, bass, voice, keyboards: Mathieu Flasse Drums: Rémy Venant Technic: Hugo-Alexandre Pernot Management: Kuistax Booking Labels: Black Basset Records, À Tant Rêver du Roi x Rockerill Records, Feles Records, S.K Records La Jungle wants to thanks : Ondine, Julien Kuistax Booking, Hugo, our roadies Pierre, Guillaume, Lucas and Julos, to Mika and to the Rockerill, to Clo, Didier, Jonas, Bart and Stéphane (Black Basset Records / Feles Music / À Tant Rêver du Roi), Jerkov Musiques, Hot Topic Agency and Just Because... - Director: David Ctiborsky Script: Chloé Françoise Director assistant: Esther Blondel Light designer: Benoît Feller Director of photography: Thomas Jacquet Vision engineer: David Bouhsira Cameramans: Olivier Cahn, Edouard Dereux, Denis Leroy, Celidja Pornon Cablecam operator: Jean-Luc Courtel Cablecam machinist: Denis Rodier Chief electrician: Stéphane Blum Operator: Jeff Freeman Sound director: Henri D’Armancourt & Tristan Mazire Sound assistant and script: Oscar Ferran Sound intern: Louis Lecomte Producer: Christophe ‘Chryde’ Abric Executive producers and programmation: Anousonne Savanchomkeo & Ondine Benetier Administration: Jonathan André Production director: Perrine Lacamp Production manager: Philippine Graffard Management: Jean-Baptiste Arbouch Communication: Maxime Lecerf Editing: Melissa Sadouny Color grading: David Bouhsira Mix & mastering: François-Xavier Delaby Post-production manager: Alexandre Sellem Post-production assistant: Ambre Fournier Technical manager: Jean-Lo - R Cube Assistant to the technical manager: Sarah Nfifi Stage manager: Amandine Pourcelot Stage technicians: Benjamin Bendriss, Claire Gallien, Mattier Roy, Margot Maumenée, Maxence Pierrard, Sophie, Lelimousin, Adèle Pignier, Frédéric Hamidi, Benoît Loisel, Alexis Robaey Lodge reception: Chloé Paillard In co-production with ARTE France Arts and Spectacles unity: Emelie de Jong Deputy manager: Ali Delici Programmes manager: José Correia Administration: Pierre de Vaulx Administration manager: Stéphanie Lajarrige Editorial director ARTE Concert: Stéphanie Poncelet Production director ARTE Concert: Laurent Daniel Production and web edition manager: Julie Lafitte Edition managers: Matthieu Audoly & Natacha Drai Press: Clémence Flechard Planipresse Video equipment chiefs: Marc Regnaudin & Adrien Tessier Video exploitation technicians: Vital Hutin & Aurélien Patient Video assistants: Vincent Duchêne & Dylan Lorre Video trainee: Marion Romero Sound equipment chief: Nicola de Marinis Sound exploitation technicians: Simon Benoît & Vincenzo de Marinis Production: Aude Kuster & Jean-Charles Marmeleira Technical supports Planipresse Taipan Dushow DCA Videlio - Cap’Cine Webcast and streaming: SEEKAT Technical manager: Johan Peerbolte Exploitation technician: Sacha Donias Thanks to all the team of La @gaitelyrique Directed with the support of the CNC (Centre National de la Cinématographie et de l’Image Animée) © 2019 - ARTE France - La Blogothèque Productions - La Gaîté Lyrique — Want to see more ? Subscribe : — Follow La Blogothèque : — Stay a while : Take Away Show, the Very Best : Take Away Show 2021 : Take Away Show 2020 : Reprise : Pocket Parties : For more than ten years, La Blogotheque has changed the way people experience music videos. We film beautiful, rare and intimate sessions with your favorite artists, and the ones you are soon to fall in love with. Come, stay a while, and be taken away.
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