PLEIADIAN SONG - OM SHANTI #peace #healingmusic #meditationmusic #pleyadianos #pleiadianmusic
PLEIADIAN SONG - OM SHANTI #healingmusic #meditationmusic #meditation #pleyadianos #pleiadianmusic #peace
Listen to this Pleiadian music with the Om Shanti mantra and feel how peace comes within you and around you.
Sacred song performed by a choir of Pleiadian beings using the powerful mantra “Om Shanti“,
It comes from the Sanskrit root sham, which means “calm.“ And that is what shanti also means: “peace”, “tranquility”, “calm”, “rest”. On many occasions this is accompanied by an Om, thus creating the mantra of peace, which is usually chanted in two ways: om shanti om and om shanti shanti shanti.
Chanted during a meditation session or to close a yoga practice, this powerful mantra creates a soft and gentle atmosphere and produces a tremendous feeling of absence of noise, blockages and tension. Make everything be at peace, may you be at peace.
Original music of @Harmoniesofthesoul and @Antarana. Headphones are not necessary.
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Music to heal, with captivating melodies that seek to calm the spirit. Melodies that invite you to meditate, connecting mind and soul. You will notice that you are transported to a state of peace, freeing yourself from daily stress. Harmonies that create a space conducive to relaxation, leaving behind the tensions of everyday life.
The sound journey begins with soft compositions, designed to relieve mental fatigue. Accompanied by instruments that caress the senses, these musical pieces surround you in a serene atmosphere. Ideal for those moments when you need a break, a moment of tranquility to reconnect with yourself.
The compositions also include elements of background music, creating a relaxing environment perfect for guided meditation sessions. The combination of natural sounds and soft melodies transport you to places of serenity, facilitating concentration and deep rest.
This channel becomes your faithful companion in times when you need to disconnect from the outside world. The healing music present here becomes a valuable tool to restore physical and emotional balance. Find the melody that resonates with you and let yourself be carried away by its transformative power.
Join this community that values music as a means of healing, meditation and relaxation. Explore, discover and share the magic of these melodies that transcend the simple act of listening, becoming an essential tool to nourish the mind, body and spirit. Welcome to a world of healing sounds and constant serenity!
Música para sanar, con melodías atrapantes que buscan calmar el espíritu. Melodías que invitan a meditar, conectando mente y alma. Notarás que te transportas a un estado de paz, liberándote del estrés diario. Armonías que crean un espacio propicio para la relajación, dejando atrás las tensiones del día a día.
Cada canción cuidadosamente seleccionada busca brindar una experiencia sensorial única, permitiéndote sumergirte en un oasis de calma.
Las composiciones también incluyen elementos de música de fondo, creando un ambiente relajante perfecto para sesiones de meditación guiada. La combinación de sonidos naturales y suaves melodías te transportan a lugares de serenidad, facilitando la concentración y el descanso profundo.
Este canal se convierte en tu fiel compañero en momentos en los que necesitas desconectar del mundo exterior. La música curativa presente aquí se convierte en una valiosa herramienta para restaurar el equilibrio físico y emocional. Encuentra la melodía que resuena contigo y déjate llevar por su poder transformador.
Únete a esta comunidad que valora la música como medio de sanación, meditación y relajación. Explora, descubre y comparte la magia de estas melodías que trascienden el simple acto de escuchar, convirtiéndose en una herramienta esencial para nutrir la mente, el cuerpo y el espíritu. ¡Bienvenido a un mundo de sonidos curativos y serenidad constante!
1 view
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