Miley & Selena // Who’s Laughing Now?

Hey remember me?! :D yes i’m back (I think) it’s 3 months since I uploaded a real video! oO woaaah. some of you though I left, but no.. the reason why I haven’t uploaded anything is because: 1. I have only done collab parts! like 20 collab parts, and i’m SO sick of them! I even had to leave JelenaDorks and jetaimestudios so I can have time for my own videos. I’m sorry! :( 2. School! I know.. the same lame excuse.. But I had to focus on school, and my grades got better ^^ 3. Insted of editing I got alot of free time, so now I hang out with friends alot, go out in the weekends, I also workout in the gym like 3 days per week x) SO yeeaah.. i’m sorry, I had to take a break, I feel old now, I mean i’m 17 and sometimes I’m thinking “what the hell am I doing here?, disney? really?“ I feel left out, kind of.. that I don’t belong here.. and there is not many I can relate to. I don’t know. do you feel
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