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Artist: Various Artists
Title: V/A 2.0
Label: Secession
Catalogue: SCSSN005
Format: Digital
Genre: Electronic
Style: #Techno
Release date: April 2, 2021
Layout by Marko Dakovic
Photography by Roko Poljak
Mastered by Tema Mastering
1. Jacobworld - Kroam
2. Phil Berg - Oneiro
3. Bidoben - Recensed
4. Oktobr - Rollback
5. LKY - Arm’s Length
6. Nicolas Vogler - Thirty
7. Kashpitzky - Different Aspects
“Youth, with swift feet, walks onward in the way
the land of joy lies all before his eyes.“
This is a second in line Various Artist release for Secession. It features 7 cutting edge techno tracks from 7 aspiring artists that should be on everyone’s watchlist.
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