SxOxTxEx / Step On It - split 7“ FULL ALBUM (2018 - Grindcore / Hardcore Punk / Thrash Metal)
SxOxTxEx (Scum Of The Earth) are a killier grind band from Budapest, Hungary since 2013. In this split vinyl release, they team-up with Step On It, a grind/hc/thrash band from Budapest as well formed in early 00s.
Released on August 2018 (7inch vinyl format) by 9 Lies, Blastbeat Worship Tapes, Skaven Records and Drinkin’ Beer In Bandana Records.
-- SxOxTxEx --
01.[00:00] Példa
02.[01:16] Ünnep
03.[01:57] A Nemzet Áfiuma
04.[02:49] Fiatal Demokrata Szövetség és Kereszténydemokrata Néppárt