What is an Initiation? Evolution of Consciousness of the New Era

๐Ÿ’– Initiations are a direct interaction with the subtle plane, with the Higher Powers, high-frequency energies, the Living Mind through the transmission of high-frequency waves. Initiation is a mindful meditation where you donโ€™t have to close your eyes. It is necessary to move consciously in direct interaction with the superconscious levels through the walls of the membranes of the pyramids of consciousness. This is a super-accelerated path of evolution of consciousness that the new epoch of the Era of Aquarius opens up to us. ======================== ๐Ÿงฌ Golden Genome. Super-accelerated Evolution of Consciousness โค๏ธ Kamallaya Academy ๐ŸŽ FREE access to: โ€œInitiations of the New Timeโ€ ๐Ÿ”ฅ Powerful Ceremony: โ€œThe Gifts of Ganesha. Hands of Abundanceโ€ &#
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