ABBA The Winner Takes it All - Agnethas Amazing vocal performance

Agnethas amazing vocal performance in the winner takes it all . Now before everyone freaks out i am not slighting Frida or any other member of ABBA Im just a huge Agnetha fan . I understand Frida is just as talented pretty all that and I love her lead songs too especially Fernando and Knowing me . Im not an ABBA channel . I just find Agnetha magical pure magic , someone that pretty posses that powerhouse voice and range . HUGE respect huge fan of Agnetha Faltskog and seems so sweet and nice ! If anyone wants to they can check out my instrumental “Night Ride“ with Agnetha driving on my other channel ! I make no money on these videos I do it for art , creativity and fun . I could monetize but i dont wish too its not my music anyway , its for fun and the love of great music and perfromance. And for everyone saying shes lip syncing so what both those girls are great great singers , studio or live . Im
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