Driving my Type-69 II battle tank after MORE THAN 5 YEARS restoration!

After more then 5 years of restoring this tank, the job is finally done!!! The Type-69 will be at Overloon War Museum from the 3rd until the 17th of august. The 17th we will publicly test-drive it (entree is free) See u there! LET THE NEW TANK PROJECT COME! Special thanks to War Museum Overloon for having us: Special tanks to . TOL b.v. for transporting our tank: 🤝Support us: 📱 Social media: Main channel: Daily vlogs: Website: Facebook: Instagram: More videos: V12 tank engine 1st run • 38,8 liter V12 tank engine 1st run af... VW Golf Extreme makeover: Roll Golf 2.0 • VW Golf Extreme
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