Evaluation of the Gastrointestinal Patient. Abdominal pain

👍🏻 Support us: Mastercard: 5106 2110 8086 3207 (ARMEN ASTVATSATRYAN) Gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms and disorders are quite common. History and physical examination are often adequate to make a disposition in patients with minor complaints; in other cases, testing is necessary. Using open-ended, interview-style questions, the physician identifies the location and quality of symptoms and any aggravating and alleviating factors. Abdominal pain is a frequent GI complaint. Determining the location of the pain can help with the diagnosis. For example, pain in the epigastrium may reflect problems in the pancreas, stomach, or small bowel. Pain in the right upper quadrant may reflect problems in the liver, gallbladder, and bile ducts such as cholecystitis or hepatitis. Pain in the right lower quadrant may indicate inflammation of the appendix, terminal ileum, or cecum, suggesting appendicitis, ileitis, or Crohn disease. Pain in the left lower quadrant may indicate diverticulitis or constipation. Pa
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