Dolphin and Limewax - No Sympathy (Dolphin’s VIP)

If there is one artist that just keeps pushing the bar on all levels it has to be Dolphin. This ultra talented artist has been producing and DJing for over 25 years. Never imitating, always innovating. Pushing it to the limit on every new release he unleashes upon the world. Beautiful, technical, fun, experimental and hardcore as FFFF! The UK infused version of hardcore that is, of course. The version that never gave a rat’s backside about rules or regulations: pounding kickdrums, cutthroat snares, amens, funk, hip hop, rave, you name it… All thrown into one giant musical blender with ease rotating at 220 mph. On Recalibrated EP, Dolphin gives us 4 killer remixes and VIP’s of some of our favourite Dolphin hits of the last couple of years.. Just enough UK hardcore power to keep us entertained till the next era of Dolphin commences and blows our fragile little minds later this year. You are not ready, we can tell you.. Parental Advisory: NO FILLERS, ALL KILLERS. PLAY LOUD, HEALTH AND
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