Egypt’s Lost Pyramids

How do you lose something as big as a pyramid? Chapters: 0:00 Introduction 1:49 Herodotus the Traveler 5:41 The Ceaseless Footsteps of Time 7:51 The 2400-year-old Mistake Special thanks for Sanstitre () for the fantastic reconstructions of the Biahmu Colossi! Citations Hartwig, M. K. (2014). Sculpture. A Companion to Ancient Egyptian Art, 189–218. Herodotus. (2015). The histories: (Penguin Classics Deluxe Edition). (T. Holland, Trans.). Penguin Books. How, W. W., & Wells, J. (1989). A Commentary on Herodotus. Oxford University Press. Hewison, R. Neil (2007). “Al-Ṣanam“. Fayoum: History and Guide. Cairo, Egypt: American University in Cairo Press.
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