Things People Look For But Rarely Can Find (Official Song Video)

This is my first step on a long path. I have done everything in this video myself. Found a chord to fall in love with, wrote the lyrics, melody, learned to play and played guitar. Shot the videos, mixed the song, edited. There are hundreds of iterations behind this song. 3 months of work, because I can not understate how inexperienced I am. 8 early mornings when I went out to catch 15 minutes of just the right light at sunrise. I will collaborate on future songs, but this one I had to do myself. It was painful and beautiful. As any birth is. Even though it was a solo project, I was not alone. Alisa, my coaches, my dear friends. So many of you have supported me morally on this rollercoaster. So please enjoy. ___________________________________ Lyrics: The shapes that I like are so simple But they are the ones that I found On strings of my soul that’s so gentle It only sings when no one’s around My ideas of love were so quiet I could barely share them with you But we have started a silent riot To finally find what is true The steps that we tread are so gentle They leave almost no traces behind In the end of this path is a temple With things people look for but rarely can find I don’t know if I’ll have other listeners But for you I will play my small part We are no longer prisoners Our creation of selves is my favorite art Chapters: 0:00 Song starts 1:29 Song ends. Spiraling into shame 2:30 Realization 3:05 Regaining my confidence
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