Ancient Mastery - Chapter One: Across The Mountains Of The Drämmarskol (2022 Remaster & Bonus Track)

Released at the start of 2021, Erech Leleth’s Ancient Mastery project is one that I keep coming back to, for regular hits of the dramatic, captivating scope of Chapter One’s epic symphonic black metal. The album opened the gates to a four-part series that tell the story of the realms of Valdura, and tomorrow I will have the honour of unveiling a preview from Chapter Two, but before then, I am equally proud to present a new remastered version of the first episode in the saga; Across the Mountains of the Drämmarskol. The new version is released tomorrow, 4th November, through Northern Silence - expanded in vision with bonus track, ‘The Ballad Of Tiga & Az’daerul’ featuring vocals from Alia Fay, along with new artwork by Aghy R. Purakusuma (who also did art for the Firienholt full album), and a newly forged logo by Gragoth/Luciferium War Graphics. These new features add another layer to the already cinematic undertaking; and for newcomers, a chance to discover this truly epic
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