Big Wave Carnage at Red Bull Cape Fear 2016 - Action Highlights

► Click for the full story: After two days of intense action, Red Bull Cape Fear has come to a close for 2016, with 18-year-old South Coast surfer Russell Bierke the last man standing. The event ran like no other in surfing history. A week of wild weather in Sydney Australia saw Cape Solander maxed out on day one, with many competitors claiming it was far-and-away the biggest the infamous break has ever been surfed. The surfers were aware of the risks that came with paddling out, yet deemed it worth the reward. A unanimous surfer vote saw the contest kick-off in barely surfable 12-foot [] barrels and from the first horn all 16 invitees were ready to charge, take risks, pull in and lay it all on the line. Take a look back at the utter carnage from one of the gnarliest surf contests in the history of the sport: Red Bull Cape Fear 2016
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