World’s first flying car to be cleared for takeoff gets approval by Federal Aviation Administration

transition by terrafugia is the world’s first flying car to be cleared for takeoff FAA Airworthiness Certificate Terrafugia, Inc. January 26, 2021 Terrafugia Announces FAA Special Light-Sport Airworthiness Certificate The Transition® Roadable Aircraft Cleared for Takeoff #Woburn, MA – January 26, 2021 – Terrafugia, Inc. announced today that it has reached a significant milestone by obtaining an FAA #Special Light-Sport Aircraft (LSA) airworthiness certificate for its Transition® roadable @aircraft. As a unique integration of a two-seat aircraft and an #automobile, the Transition® is designed to meet safety standards from both the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the National Highway and Traffic Safety Administration (#NHTSA). The vehicle that received the certificate is legal for flight and represents the initial version of the Transition® roadable #aircraft. Terrafugia will produce and sell additional initial (flight-only) versions to interested parties and will evolve the driving portion of t
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