Spacious and Large! Thermaltake’s View51 Snow Edition

Here’s a quick build on Thermaltake’s View51 Snow Edition chassis. Huge thanks and shout out to Thermaltake and EVGA for supporting this build! Specs: AMD Ryzen 3900x Gigabyte Aorus X570 Master EVGA 2080Ti XC Hybrid Crucial P1 1TB Nvme SSD Thermaltake ToughPower Series iRGB Plus 1050w Power Supply 32gb Thermaltake ToughRam Custom Loop: Thermaltake Pacific W5 Waterblock EKWB Quantum Vector Waterblock Thermaltake CLM360 Radiators Thermaltake C-Pro Fittings (White) Thermaltake Pacific DP100-D5 Plus Distro Plate Thermaltake Riing Trio fans Notes: This chassis was fun to work with. Has a lot of room for custom loop cooling (almost similar size to a LianLi PC-011 XL). The only minor issue that I encountered working this case (which was completely my fault) was using a 40mm radiator on the bottom. If you are planning on doing a similar build on this case, please keep in mind, if you are going to use a 40mm radiator on the bottom wit
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