Green Mountain Rangers : Airsoft Machine Gun Theory

Green Mountain Rangers discuss the role and implementation of a extended magazine machine weapon in force on force airsoft. This weapon system has intrinsic assumptions which can limit the user and the potential if not approached from an objective, strategic mindset. The team examines the fundamentals and considerations of various types including M249 SAW/MK46, M60/MK43 and M240. MG Theory is another layer in the airsoft discipline which appropriate understanding and knowledge can achieve powerful results. 3:45 Mk46 Discussion 5:53 Mk46 Setup 8:00 Mk46 Enhancements and Considerations 9:15 SAW Magazine Mod 10:30 M60E4/Mk43 13:10 Origins of High Ready 14:45 M240 17:10 MG User Gear Setup 18:58 GMR and SAW Implementation 20:38 Discipline in Airsoft 22:20 Theory Summary 23:25 Choose Wisely
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