Frankenstein, The Musical (2002)

“Frankenstein, The Musical“ (2002), “a full-length video demo“ (according to the Wikipedia article) of the “Frankenstein - A New Musical“ show. I was able to find this recording on the VK social network and want to thank Елена Каяджи, the user who somehow had happened to get into possession of this piece. I see no point in listing the cast here, as the video itself contains all the necessary information of such sorts. To find it, turn to the ending credits. The following description is from the IMDb webpage: “A faithful adaptation of Mary Shelley’s original novel, Frankenstein, The Musical is a thrilling, new interpretation of the classic tale of horror and romance. The story follows Victor Frankenstein, the scion of a wealthy Swiss family, whose scientific genius leads him to a great, audacious experiment: to create a human life. At first, “The Creature“ is a ghoulish, inarticulate beast and Victor attempts to destroy him by burning his laboratory and
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