Patch&Nora - ...You`re mine angel

Watch in HD I made this awhile ago, and im not happy with it but im not upset with it either. So anyways if you dont know what this is, its a vidlet to patch and nora from the book hush hush by becca fitzpatrick, if you havnt read it read it NOW! its amazing its the only book other than vampire academy i can re read without getting bored. -Some clips clearly dont fit but its basic relationship story between them with there fighting and lack of trust at the beginging of the relationship i even found a clip for when they make food in her kitchen and first kiss. Its got the kiss with you know wo in it to and her getting upset so i hope you can rtry to follow it. It was hard to find the right clips for patch because i could only really use covenan because he has shorter hair in it and with emmy she well had so many clips to choose from, waitressing,clubs,bars,fights,crying,school, she had it all but i couldnt get them all in their without it loosing the story, so im goin
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