Kevin Macleod ~ SPC x2x | Unseen Presence [ The Music Archive ]

Spc X2x (Unseen Presence) by Kevin MacLeod Link: License: Dark horror soundscape. There are places of evil in the world. Dark places. There are places that absorb life with their greasy tendrils of unlight. There are places that screw up everyone’s sandwiches. There are places that delay postal packages. There are places that cause internet outages right when you’re down to the last 4 players in an online 1 vs 100 Tetris tournament. There are places of evil in the world. Dark places. Music by Kevin MacLeod. Available under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license: Download link: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Yes, you can use this however please SUBSCRIBE or note down this link in case you need to reference this
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