Shade of Memories - Glaciers Of Tomorrow {Full Album}

Artist:Shade of Memories Album:Glaciers of Tomorrow Genre:Heavy/Progressive Metal Country:U.S Year:2021 For fans of Shadowkiller, Attika, and Shadowkeep!! Glaciers of Tomorrow Track List: of Triskelion (00:00) Fire Burns (01:53) of Infinity (02:55) for Freedom (09:22) to the Ground (14:25) (21:42) Ultimatum (26:03) Maze (31:56) March Prelude (38:07) (39:32) of the Tornado (45:51) of Tomorrow (54:39) Anvil (1:02:06) to Snowy Heart (1:07:45) Shade of Memories Facebook: Shade of Memories Reverbnation:
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