Purusha Suktam - the Source of all - know the essence of the Vedas

English Translation by Ramesh Krishnakumar, to the invocative rendering by Vedic priests The hymns are found originally in the Rig Veda, later, it is seen in the Shukla Yajur Veda, the Krishna Yajur Veda, the Sama Veda, and the Atharvana Veda, with some modifications and redactions. Since the Purusha Suktam is seen in all Vedas, it is cited as the essence of all Srutis by Veda Vyasa in the Mahabharata. Saunaka, Apastamba, and Bodhayana have also written concerning the power of the Purusha Suktam No Vedic Yagna is performed without the chanting of the Purusha Suktha. Purusha is the source of all creation. The Suktham describes this form of his, as having countless heads, eyes, legs, manifested everywhere, and beyond the scope of any limited method of comprehension. All creation is but a part of him. The Suktham describes the creative process in the universe and the oneness in all.
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