Want to support this channel and help us preserve old films? Visit Visit our website “Film : Signal Corps First Aid” is a black-and-white official training film produced by the United States Army in 1938. Originally classified and intended for use by the US Department of War, this film was produced by the Signal Corps and made in collaboration with the Surgeon General. The film seeks to provide comprehensive knowledge on how to administer proper first aid to wounded soldiers during combat. United States of America War Office official seal (0:09). Sullen soldier in field, bandage around crown of head (0:56). Part I: Emergency Treatment of Bleeding Wounds: Officer in uniform and steel army helmet performs first aid on himself (1:06). Officer lays in grass with shirt unbuttoned, bullet wound and bloodied bandage on abdomen (1:12). Officer uses hay and crutch to create splint (1:21). Army medics lift wounded G.I. onto stretcher (1:33). Medic applies gauze, bandages to head injury (1:40). Wounded soldiers recover in beds at clinic (1:49). American soldiers on maneuvers - run across field holding rifles (1:54). Applying tourniquet to leg wound (2:11). Example of ‘oozing’ bleeding shown on palm of hand (2:46). Wounded soldier treats leg injury himself in field - applies first aid dressing from first aid pouch on belt (3:14). Step by step instructions: removing bandage from metal case, applying bandage, close-up of final dressing (3:51). Arm outstretched with crater-like wound in elbow crease, blood spills out (5:20). Stopping bleeding from major arteries: shirtless torso of soldier, arm has two fake bloodied wounds, wound on upper thigh, narrator points to where artery is located (5:38). Close-up applying tourniquet (6:12). Extended bicep - line tracing showing principal artery upper arm (6:41). Line tracing shows principal artery upper thigh (7:01). Circles and line tracings reveal pressure points for elbow injuries (7:21). Close-up applying treatment of this injury, tourniquet from soldier’s belt (7:52). Hands wrap around thigh and apply pressure to stop bleeding (8:51). US Army Medical Corps Spanish Windlass Tourniquet using handkerchief (9:00). Arm with tourniquet swells (9:44). Medic loosens and tightens tourniquet while treating unconscious soldier (10:07). Forearm with blood trail following vein network (10:39). Soldier raises arm and applies pressure to stop bleeding, applies snug bandage (10:51). Medic wraps dressing around soldier’s head, treatment of minor head injury (12:19). Army surgeons in surgical gowns and face masks perform emergency surgery (12:42). Internal bleeding and hemorrhaging: illustration of male torso exemplifies internal bleeding from bullet wound (13:19). Part II: Emergency Treatment of Broken Bones (13:56). Illustration how to identify broken bone: swollen limb, interior bones and ligaments (14:15). Medic carefully lays wounded soldier onto stretcher (15:01). Illustration types of fractures: simple fracture vs. compound fracture (15:15). Medical officer applies splint (16:18). Materials for improvised splints: rifle, bayonet, bayonet scabbard, wood (16:42). Smoke billows from explosion, soldiers run into battle (17:36). Two soldiers operate perhaps M1917 Browning Machine Gun (17:43). Medic treats compound fracture: readies leg, applies splint (17:52). Medic measures appropriate splint length (19:48). Medic rolls rifle in blanket to create splint (20:04). Close-up hand inserted into blouse sleeve of uniform as make-shift sling (22:53). Medic wraps bayonet scabbard with grass, lower-arm splint (23:12). Part III: Methods of Removing Wounded (24:37). Soldier hides among shrubs and shoots perhaps Colt-Browning M1895 (24:50). Soldier on stretcher carried to aid station (25:19). Medics examine dressing, lift soldier onto new ‘litter,’ carry wounded through rocky terrain (26:19). Carrying litter across obstacles: wooden fence in the middle of their path (27:41). Carrying the litter across a ditch in the woods (28:27). Moving across stream (29:13). Medics slowly carry litter up steep hill (29:50). Recovery squad exemplifies rescue without use of litter, various carrying positions using body (30:26). Patient carried out of field resting on rifle seat, two soldiers carry butt and tip of rifle (31:33). Row of wounded lie in forest on litters, medic provides them water from canteen (32:00). Makeshift triage unit, tent, examination table in field (32:22). We encourage viewers to add comments and, especially, to provide additional information about our videos by adding a comment! This film is part of the Periscope Film LLC archive, one of the largest historic military, transportation, and aviation stock footage collections in the USA. Entirely film backed, this material is available for licensing in 24p HD, 2k and 4k. For more information visit
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