Driving a tiny 1:10 scale direct drive force feedback steering wheel (Open FFBoard)

While working on support for SinCos encoders i got the idea to test it with an old drone motor and made it into a tiny FFB steering wheel. It works exactly the same way as a normal sized one but accelerates much faster and is about 1/8 to 1/10 of the normal size (under 40mm). Supporting sincos encoders is also a big step for the project and will allow a whole range of different encoders and servos to be used. The force feedback feels extremely direct but with any prolonged use the motor gets very hot and its pretty hard to drive with it and it took a bit too many attempts to finish even this short race. All the effects are there and you can feel the curbs, wheel slips and everything else the game has to offer. Project page: Github firmware: Github GUI: Discord: Patreon:
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