Orca Encounter (Ultra HD) March 21, 2021 - SeaWorld San Diego

DO NOT USE MY VIDEOS!!! YOU WILL BE REPORTED!!! 4pm show Host behaviorist - Jen Corky with behaviorist Missy, starts it off with her patented Vertical Spin, shes the best at this behavior, Ikaika with behaviorist Katey, who asks Ikaika to slideout(i see the signal) but for some reason doesnt do it(ikaika saying inside oh no thats too high lol and im too heavy lol) or gets recalled, as you know you cant FORCE these animals to do anything, @2:38 you can hear me saying “OH LORD“ these people coming in to the show late, and doesnt know how to read the red stickers behind the benches, saying NO SEATING, then buys ponchos, snacks for a 20 minute show(you should have bought some before the show) i tried desperately to video tape around them, but of course you can still hear them, @5:10 you can see the special bond that Corky has with Missy, although i know Missy loves Kalia, thats her fave, i also love the fact how straight Corky’s dorsal is, proving to everyone that it doesnt mean what their moods are, instead o
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