The Power of Music: Shostakovich’s Leningrad Symphony

This video details Shostakovich’s 7th Symphony (Leningrad). I chose to depart slightly from my normal theoretical analysis of classical music in this video, and instead opt for a more emotional analysis. I am not a musicologist, but I do think that I as a composer can see and hear completely different things than musicologists can, and that those things in and of themselves can have their own intrinsic value. I wanted to share that with my audience in this video. Works composed by Shostakovich and recorded thereafter are still under copyright protection. I do not own the rights to most of the clips or recordings used in this video. But seeing as this video is educational and critical in nature it falls well within the realm of Fair Use. I would nonetheless strongly recommend that the viewers of this video support the artists whose recordings were used in this video, either by visiting their youtube channels or purchasing their recordings; all of which are linked below. Source Footage/
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