Mili - sustain++; / Ghost In The Shell: SAC_2045 Ending Theme

Streaming available on June 10 “Intrauterine Education“: Watch Ghost in the Shell: SAC_2045. Only on Netflix. Follow Mili Spotify: Apple Music: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: Homepage: Lyrics: Cassie Wei Music: Cassie Wei, Yamato Kasai Arrangement: Yamato Kasai, Yukihito Mitomo, Shoto Yoshida Recording Engineer: Satoshi Yoneda, Keisuke Fujimaki Mixing Engineer: Satoshi Yoneda Mastering: KOTARO Kojima Artwork & Animation: Kazuki Takakura ( ) Video: Yamato Kasai *** Purchase new single “Intrauterine Education“ & get LIMITED bonuses here: シングル「Intrauterine Education」購入案内・店舗別...特典 INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING available at CDJapan: *** Mili members on Twitter Cassie Wei: Yamato Kasai: Yukihito Mitomo: Shoto Yoshida: Ao Fujimori: #攻殻機動隊SAC_2045 #GhostInTheShell #Mili
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