Hi, in this video I show you a glimpse of what you can create using stuff you would normally throw away. My projects sometimes start with plastic bottles, other times with cardboard or jars.
Often times people ask me about the patterns, recipes or exact dimensions so they can recreate exactly what I have done. Most of the times you don’t need those. The creation process for me goes like this: I first look around my house for the materials I have, it may be a 2 liters bottle and a small 0,5 liters one, or some shoe box I have, or some pizza boxes from last time we ordered pizza. I always start with the materials I already have and go from there. I put them together, imagine how they would fit in a composition, I sometimes draw a sketch but most of the times I don’t. I repeat to myself “I dare you to create something with these items“. The same goes for the tools I use. For example I get asked a lot where did I get my curved knife I used in my paper clay videos from. I honestly don’t remember. I got it from a drawer in my kitchen :)) That was an old knife I already had and I was willing to use for my crafts. It is not a special knife, it could’ve been a spoon or a wooden stick. It was just a handy tool I found in my house. You don’t need fancy tools, not in the beginning anyway. Stop making excuses and start your first creation! Let your creativity flow! I only present you an idea, a fun, relaxing and creative way to recycle cardboard, jars or plastic bottles. you don’t need to do exactly the same thing I did, you don’t need the exact same plastic bottle or jar. I heard this so many times “oh, but we don’t have that bottle here“... So what? You have other bottles so use those! Don’t get stuck on silly excuses! Use mostly what you already got!
*For some creations I used paper clay. You can buy it or you can go with the recycling all the way and make it from cardboard or egg cartons like I did in these videos:
The home made one is not as soft but it is very strong and has a cool texture you can later use when making the patina.
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I would like you to share in a comment below what is the latest thing you did with little or no money at all!
Music: “Sundays“ by
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