First off, sorry for not having this up yesterday like I said I would, I didn’t get it done in the time I thought I would. Second, I am so happy this is done now! I was inspired by Bella’s version of this and after seeing hers I had to make my own.
Some explanation;
Scallop is Queen Coral’s granddaughter, her father is from the same clutch of eggs as Orca. Of course, we all know what happens in the books, Orca enchants a SeaWing statue to kill all female eggs in the royal hatchery. So how is Scallop alive? She wasn’t even put into that hatchery as Coral denied it, saving the space for her eggs only. At the point this video started, it’s already been three a half years. Four clutches of eggs destroyed in the hatchery, with Scallop being the only heir. It’s at this point Coral can’t really look at Scallop without regretting her decision, and fearing it would be this blind and wingless hatchling that’ll take the throne...
Anywhos, some point of light here, the relationship between the two does eventfully mend