“Implementing AI for fun and profit“ [eng] / Freek Van der Herten
This is a video from the PHP fwdays’23 conference, which was held on August 12, 2023
Talk description:
AI seems to be everywhere! In this fun and highly practical talk, we’re going to take a look at how we, as developers, can leverage the power of AI.
First, we’ll take a look at how we can use AI to in our development workflow. Next, we’ll code dive on one of our products to learn how we added AI to it.
Talk and presentation:
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Fwdays has been organizing large-scale conferences for developers for more than 11 years for the following spheres: JavaScript, .NET, Python, Data Science, PHP, QA, Highload, Architecture, DevOps, Databases.
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4 months ago 05:27:56 1
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