English Christian Song | “If You Are a Service-Doer“

English Christian Song | “If You Are a Service-Doer“ I If you’re truly a service-doer, can you render service to God loyally, without any element of perfunctoriness or negativity? If you discover that God has never appreciated you, will you still be able to stay and render lifelong service to Him? If God is still very cold to you despite you having expended much effort, will you be able to continue working for Him in obscurity? If God does not satisfy your petty demands after you’ve made some expenditures for Him, will you be disheartened and disappointed with Him, or even be furious and shout abuse? II If you’ve always been very loyal, with much love for God, yet you suffer the torment of illness, financial difficulties, and the abandonment of your friends and relatives, or endure any other misfortunes in life, will your loyalty and love for Him still continue? If none of what you’ve imagined in your heart matches what He
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