English Christian Song | “Turn Your Heart Towards God to Feel His Loveliness“

English Christian Song | “Turn Your Heart Towards God to Feel His Loveliness“ I If you practice the truth to satisfy God, then your heart will turn to Him. The more you pray to God and commune with Him, the more you will discover what’s so lovable about Him. If, deep down, you are really willing to satisfy God, then He will place His burden upon you, and you’ll then gain an even greater sense of His extreme loveliness. This will enable you to love God with all your heart, and you will feel deep down that He is so lovable, that He is so lovable. II Once you sincerely love God, you’ll feel His loveliness more and more, and you will feel His worthiness of human love, and you’ll be able to willingly submit to Him and worship Him, willingly submit to Him and worship Him. In that moment, you will be able to praise God from deep within your heart, from deep within your heart; you’ll want to sing His praise and give thank
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