Bjarla - Khors

Introducing the new single! Khors (рус. «Хорс», др.-рус. «Хърсъ») is an ancient Russian deity, the god of the winter sun. There is also an opinion that the Khors is connected not with the sun, but with the moon. But this opinion is not so main task of the god Khors was to control the daylight, which helped to protect the earth from the deeds of Chernobog, warmed it after winter frosts and blizzards. There is also a point of view about the existence of a second god with this name, the Black Khors, who was born in Navi (the world of the dead) and helped to send particularly severe frosts to the day of the worship of the god Khors coincided with the winter is curious that such words in the Russian language as “good“ (that is, joyful, bright) and “round dance“ (movement in a circle) have a common root with a Khors. Some researchers observe a connection in this. We were working on the single: Anton Marchuk - hurdy-gurdy, lyre guitar, vocals, percussion, jew’s-harp; Poison Ivy
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