I Participated in the Internet’s BIGGEST 3D Challenge! | Blender Animation Breakdown

In this video, I’ll be breaking down how I made my artwork for the Alternate Realities community render challenge, which is currently the Internet’s Biggest 3D Challenge! I made the animation in Blender, with some compositing done in After Effects to bring everything together! Get the Musical Ambiances Pack for Free: Human Generator Addon (affiliate link): _________________________________________ Resources:- Human Generator Addon: Rokoko Studio Live Plugin: Animation Retargeting Tutorial: Marvelous Designer: Quixel Megascans: _________________________________________ Links:- Find me anywhere: ArtStation: Instagram: Twitter: Gumroad: Patreon: Join RenderRides Discord Server: _________________________________________ PC Specs- Case: CPU: CPU Cooler: GPU: Motherboard: RAM: SSD: HDD: SMPS: Disclaimer: The above links are affiliate links, which means that I get a tiny commission when you buy these products, WITHOUT any extra charge to you while buying. Affiliate marketing helps the channel earn a percentage of money without you having to pay anything more than the stated price. _________________________________________ Thanks for watching!
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