Geforce 4090 VS Unreal 5 Matrix

Decided to have a bit of fun and to take the Geforce 4090 for a spin in the particularly challenging, next-gen Unreal 5 Matrix tech demo. The updated Matrix demo: As for whether it’s fair to call 4K 4K when it’s 1080p upscaled... no, but if the game is going to do that unless you go to the hassle of editing config files... screw it. I’m not going to go so far tout of my way to disable an option they force on by default. I’ll judge it as the resolution it claims to be, and if it fails then I’ll accuse it of looking like ass. But not the good kind 0:00 - Matrixy tech demo thing 1:32 - ’1080p’ 3:54 - ’4K’ 4:48 - ’8K’ 6:01 - Midtown Madness!
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