Buying Everything our Dogs Touch Shopping Challenge

this is our first time shopping in a mall together doing a shopping challenge since the pandemic, and we wanted to bring our pups along with! we’re putting a spin on the trend “Buying Everything my Dog Touches,“ and taking our fur babies to our local mall and into our favorite stores to see what they pick out or “sniff“ out for us haha. #nikiandgabi #shopping #shoppingchallenge vlog channels: niki demar fancy vlogs by gab CATCH UP ON OUR REALITY SHOW: Gabi’s Snipfeed show: If you see this, comment “bear is so good at shopping WHAT” only those who watch up to that point will know what this means ;) SOCIAL MEDIA Instagram➜ @NIKI / @GABI Twitter➜ @nikidemar / @gabcake Tumblr➜ nikidemar / breakfastatchanel-s
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