Drone China 2021 Guangxi Fangchenggang Pearl Plaza 2021 |航拍 中國 廣西 防城港 龍馬明珠 | Китай туризм Гуанси

Fangchenggang is a beautiful coastal and border city in the south of China. People are enjoying a peaceful life here. Pearl Plaza is a popular city sopt in this city. Two statues stand erect, witnessing sunrise and sunset every single day. When everything gets better, welcome to my city, and let’s have some drink though. 防城港是中國南方的一個魅力的濱海、邊境城市。人們在這裡過著甜美的生活。影片仲介紹的明珠廣場是防城港市的高人氣地標,兩座雕像矗立,將日出日落盡收眼底。等到春暖花開的時候,歡迎大家來防城港,到時候一起喝一杯吧~ ▼ Welcome to Subscribe My Facebook 歡迎來FB找我玩 ▼ ▼Подписываетесь на мой ВК 歡迎來VK找我玩 ▼ #Drone #China #DroneChina #Citytour #China2021 #TravelChina #Guangxi #GuangxiChina #Fangchenggang #Аэрофотосъемка #Китай #Гуанси #Фанчэнган #туризм
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