She was dumped on street, exhausted from the neighborhood dogs! She settled under a car, so tired!

She was dumped on street, exhausted from the neighborhood dogs! She settled under a car, so tired! ► Subscribe: A picture can speak 1000 words , it can grasp our heart strings, but it doesn’t tell the truth or the whole story When I rescue dogs , I stay hours, I talk to neighbors, I do my research It looked like the small brown dog was bonded to the shepherd I thought the same thing until I got the facts You see , two shepherds were dumped together originally. The male one took off and the girl stayed She was in heat When I arrived I had never seen anything like what I saw , all the neighborhood dogs were literally chasing her. Hanging off of her trying to …. You know what She was running frantically to get away from them I wish I had got video, but when I’m rescuing my mind is not thinking to video We confirmed from many neighbors that the small brown dog did have a home We are still looking for him to confirm Ma
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