We Might Be Living in Higher Dimensions Unknowingly - Are We Living in Higher Dimensions- Hyperspace

Have you ever thought that we might be living in higher dimensions without being aware of it? So are we really living in higher dimensions or hyperspace? We may not be able to perceive higher dimensions because of the limitations of our senses and also the limitations of our brain. To support my idea let me give you few analogies and examples... As we know we have five senses in our body. We use these five senses to collect information from our surroundings. Using different senses we can see, hear, smell, taste or touch the outer world. The information gathered by the senses is processed by our brain and we get some useful information from this raw data. You can think of the senses of our body as the sensors used in measuring instruments and our brain as the processing unit of random and raw information. We have two cameras in the form of eyes to see the outer world, two sound sensors (ears) for hearing the surrounding sounds. Our skin acts as the touch sensor that we use to feel the outer worl
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