Robotic squid developed by college students serves as underwater guide 仿生鱿鱼“遨游”海下300米,师生合力让其“以假乱真”

Subscribe to our YouTube channel to get day-to-day video coverage of what’s going on in China and beyond! 2021年初,上海海洋大学机器鱼创新团队所研制的仿生鱿鱼机器鱼第一次“游”入了大海,并顺利完成300米水下探测的任务。而这只机器鱼,竟是出自一群在校大学生之手。 A bionic squid developed by Shanghai Ocean University successfully completed a 300m underwater exploration. The team of college students has developed 30 bionic marine animals such as whales, serpents, and sea turtles since its establishment in 2006.   Follow us on Twitter: Follow us on Facebook: Follow us on Instagram:
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