Why Did a Spiritual God Create a Material World?

Subscribe to the Meaningful Life Center YouTube Channel for more 🔔 Let’s talk about spirituality. It’s pretty much a given today that beneath the material surface of existence lies layers and layers of energy. What we experience with our senses -- sight, sound, taste, touch and smell -- is only the tip of the iceberg. Whether you call it energy, or spirit, or the inner workings, or the dna or the microscopic quantum state - there is a deeper dimension to our world that remains hidden to the physical eye. We will define it as spiritual energy. But what is spirituality? What does the very word spirit mean? Conventional thinking divides existence into two dimensions: spirit/energy and body/matter. And with the knowledge that e=mc2 we also discovered that energy and matter are actually reversible - they’re both forms of energy just in different states of the same reality. (Just as heated water turns in
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