Standing to Lock in Full HKAFO Braces

Hi y’all. Thank you for all your comments and motivation. I’m trying to stay up and respond to all of your requests as time allows. This is me getting into a standing and the fully locked position. Here, when I’m in my chair, both knee locks and hip locks are released. Getting into a standing position requires all my upper body strength pushing up on my forearm crutches. When I do get up, there’s still a lot of my body weight on my upper part and crutches as I try to straighten up even more to lock the knees. You can see and hear the four, almost simultaneous, locks fall into place. My hip locks, as you can see here, takes a bit more force since it’s almost a hypertension of my hips to make me fully erect. After all the energy I expended getting up, the full length walk and just dragging all the weight, I completely ran out of energy just steps from my chair. Whew😰!
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