Learn Your First JAZZ Tune - 4 LEVELS

► Grab Your FREE Workbook & Backing Tracks Here: I hear it all the time, “learning some jazz can give your bass playing musical superpowers…” It may not be at the top of your to-do list, especially if you’ve only heard it in Starbucks (back when life felt normal!), but if you want to understand the fretboard then you should tackle some jazz tunes. Maybe you don’t know where to start? In today’s new video I’m going to show you 4 easy steps to learning your first jazz tune. As always, see you in the shed… Scott :) ======================================================================= GET MORE BASS TIPS 👇 _________________________________________________________________ 🙌 Be the first to know - SUBSCRIBE now → 🔓 Unlock your FREE trial to transform your bass playing → ABOUT SCOTT’S BASS LESSONS (SBL) -----------------------------
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