The Alabaster Girl - AUDIOBOOK (yes, you heard right!)

Well, here you go, my fine feathered friends... after many fits and starts, after scores of inquiries and requests, after a plethora of pummeling and ponderings, I am pleased to announce that: The AUDIOBOOK of The Alabaster Girl is now available! Let the hosannas ring and the banners fly! So why, you might ask, did it take so long? I can think of lots of reasons, but here are two: The first reason it took so long is because I happen to be one of those types of people who shrink away and hide under the bed at the sound of their own voice. As a consequence, I have never once listened to any of my own interviews or Ars Amorata podcasts. (Although I invite you to do so! ) So recording the book in my own voice was not easy for me at all. The second reason it took so long is because I’ve never really read any part of the book since the day I published it. I’ve barely cracked it open. Why? Because the perfectionist in me would
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