[VIEWER WARNING] Difficult Family Relationship and Lonely Death in Japan Ep.1 - Specialised Cleaner

※This video contains content that some viewers may find upsetting. Viewer discretion is advised. ※We were given permission by the guarantor of the property prior to filming. It has only been over the last few years that the term “Kodoku-shi” or “lonely death” has become commonly used in Japan. It is a term that describes when a person, usually elderly, passes away alone in their home and is not discovered for some time. It is thought that the increased number of older people living alone, as well as generally weakened relationships between neighbours and society are to blame for the growing occurrence of lonely deaths in Japan. What’s often found in these cases is that due to the length of time since passing, decay of the body has progressed considerably and it is the smell from this that alerts neighbours. Kansai Cleaning Service offers a “specialised cleaning service” of the clean up of the staining often found around and under the deceased and elimination of odours.
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