Deutsch-Amerikanische Freundschaft - Tanz der Mussolini

A vdeo for DAF’s Tanz der Mussolini with various groovy pics of hitler, mussolini, and hitler. This song is not meant to support fascism. If you don’t know what a parody is, I suggest you look it up. Danke. Here are the lyrics in english for you non Deutsch speakers out there. Get Up and clap your hands shake your hips and dance the mussolini turn yourself to the right and clap your hands and do the adolf hitler dance the adolf hitler and now the mussolini shake your behind and clap your hands dance the jesus christ dance the jesus christ and dance the jesus christ get up and turn yourself to the right and turn yourself to the left klap your hands and dance the adolf hitler and dance the mussolini and now the jesus christ and now the jesus christ clap your hands and dance the communism and now the mussolini ad now to the right and now to the left
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