Pink Floyd - Keep Talking🔹SPECIAL EDITION🔹REMASTERED🔹Pulse 1994 - Re-edited 2019 | Subs SPA-ENG

Pink Floyd - Keep Talking🔹SPECIAL EDITION 30 YEARS (going nowhere)🔹REMASTERED🔹 0:00 Hawkin’ Talkin’ 1:35 Where Do We Go From Here? 2:14 Keep Talking [ Adapted, Re-equalized & REMASTERED by Obi Wan Kenobi ] *Colour balance improved. REAL video aspect ratio (not the fake thinner one used for the official release) *SOUNDBOARD source track (not the official): edited and inhanced a lot of instrumental and musical details, added crowd, ambience & effects to improve the music and emulate the live sensation, then re-equalized. *Original British Telecom (BT) 1992 advertisement improved & adapted to strengthen up it’s message and deleted the unwanted commercial content. What to look into this version? -Better and clearer general sound regarding the official with it’s EQ & post-processing. -Inhanced several dynamic aspects specially David Gilmour’s vocals and whole talkbox end solo section, backing singers sharpness allthrough the song and electronic background base in between other details. For those who might b
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