All women envy, and men fall in love. DIY Master class

Every needlewoman wants to be surrounded by beautiful things. And even the needle cases were unique, beautiful, emphasizing their delicate taste and grace. We invite you to make a cute accessory together that will set you up for creativity. Music composer: Semyon Chervov Semyon’s contacts: the_deatless@ Dear viewers! Main channel for the Russian-speaking audience: @Polly Stitch @Pop-up Fashion @5-Minute Crafts PLAY @Pano e Linha patchwork @The Fabric Patch @Patchwork Fácil @Tapetes da Nalva @Tapetes da Jhe @Mia DIY @Minki Kim @Usta Eller @Mein Haus @Гелла Чара @don kim @Just Get it Done Quilts @Мир рукоделия и шитья
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