Street Food in Berlin Germany | Homemade Sausages served on a Bicycle

Grilled Chorizo Sandwich is the famous Argentinian Street Food which we proudly present to you in this Street Food in Berlin Germany Episode. This Homemade Sausages served on a Bicykle are a spicy, firm, coarse-grained raw Pork Chorizo seasoned with Paprika, Salt, Pepper and Wine. The Choripán Argentina is a Chorizo Sausage Sandwich and the name Choripán comes from the combination of ingredients: grilled Chorizo Sausage in a crispy Bun. And the homemade Chorizo Sausage from Choriman, the trained Chef, with his spicy Chimichurri, Salsa Criolla and Salsa Chipotle is an absolute taste explosion. ...Absolute insider tip for anyone looking for authentic Street Food “Made in Argentina“ in Berlin - you will definitely find it at the one and only Choriman! [1] Beef and Pork The classic Argentinian Chorizo Sausage consists of Pork, Salt, Paprika, Spices and Red Wine. While the Spanish Chorizo is more like a Salami in that it is an air-dried raw sausage made from pork or veal, baco
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